Hey guys.
I recently got back into photoshopping and 3D modelling and stuff so his called for a deviantart account.
Here's the most important things IN THE WORLD!!!
My Deviantart
My Bebo
Hey guys.
I recently got back into photoshopping and 3D modelling and stuff so his called for a deviantart account.
Here's the most important things IN THE WORLD!!!
My Deviantart
My Bebo
Fantastic! We have music on andrew's blog! The music man is here =)
Okay, well if you didnt notice, theres a Windows Media Player on the right of this page. Press play. Listen to my "Song of the moment"
Hey everybody, I just wanted to introduce myself. Im Peeter :D I love music, Im the MusicMan. I can play a few instruments, but the best is guitar. Geetar is the best thing ever. Sliced bread doesnt even come near. Guitarists are cool, its a fact :)
I listen to music too (duh) and every now and again I hope to let you hear the songs that im listening to. That will be cool :D
Oh, and I like Macs :) Only cool people use Apple Macs :)
Stenga, the accidental cross-breed between Jenga and Stephen.
Cllect as many rocks/lumps of tarmac as possible, and then take it in turns stacking them on your friend Stephen's shoulders.
He must not notice!
Our current record is:
37 rocks.
Think you can beat us?
All you need is some rocks and a Stephen/Steven, go on!
Im on Anoo's blog! Woo! Well I havnt got much to say but just I'l be posting later, thanks for letting me conrtibute Andrew :D
*It's OK Peter, I fixed all your Grammatical mistakes ¬_¬
You ever turn on your 'Cube and wonder why it isn't working?
It's OBVIOUSLY not Nintendo's device, and the powers probably not out, so, check the wires!
I cought a mouse, nibbling away at the power cable, I just wish it was plugged in, so that mouse would get a 10,000 nintywatt volt of gaming flava' through its rodent backside.
That would've been cool to see.
Well, half a role of tape later, and it's still working.
Thank you Nintendo Quality.
We've affectionately called the mouse "Wee Bastard" as it chews through stuff.
Nice name? I think so....
You know the sound the tardis makes?
Well, a fiend has pointed out EXACTLY what it is, and how it is made
Mark says:
its also the sound of a midget grinding his teeth off the door of a fridge...
only sped up...
True fact, my bedroom is an epto-tardis.
Looks small on the outside, is even smaller on the inside.
1 wordies
I changed it all to Emma I wonder if anyone will ever notice?
Here's an Emma there's an Emma and another little Emma fuzzy Emma funny Emma Emma Emma duck Emma Emma cheesecake Emma tablet brick potato Emma Emma Emma mushroom Emma Emma Emma duck i was once a treehouse i lived in a cake but i never saw the way the orange slayed the rake i was only three years dead but it told a tale and now listen, little child to the safety rail did you ever see a Emma kiss a Emma on the Emma Emma's Emma tastes of Emma Emma Emma duck half a Emma twice the Emma not a Emma farmer Emma Emma in a car alarm a Emma Emma duck is THIS how it's told now? is it all so old? is it made of lemon juice? doorknob ankle cold now my song is getting thin i've run out of luck time for me to retire now and become a duck
Once upon a time
on the internet, there was a guy.
A very deeply flawed man,
they called him Eric Bauman.
He was a total asshole,
and nobody knows why.
He traveled all around
on the pulse of each phenomenon,
from Something Awful, on to Fark,
with his trusty watermark,
he stole and stuck it all upon
It wasn't fair
to those from whom he stole,
but did he care?
No, not one bit.
And then he had the nads
to sell some ads.
What a piece of shit!
Oh, Eric.
Eric's quite a slut.
Other people's work
has made him rich.
He hired some male prostitutes,
dressed them up in three-piece suits.
His faithful team of lawyers
made the internet his bitch...
...Till Lowtax came along,
punched him in the face
and banged his mom.
And Mr. Bauman, quite disgraced,
had his dumb website erased.
Well sadly that's a lie,
there's still an
But if we all join hands
and sing this song,
then our call will reach the sky.
And maybe Zeus and Thor
will smite that whore.
I think it's worth a try.
eBaum's World is going down.
We gotta rise up from the underground
to tell Eric Bauman a thing or two
about how stealing simply isn't cool.
So right now we're making that our mission,
and if the bastard doesn't listen,
we'll get sick of being lawful
and brand his ass with Something Awful!
1 wordies
When kids first see him
Just standing there
The first thing they'll notice
Is that his face is all bare.
No nose I can tell of
no mouth or eyes.
He looks so sad,
I wonder how he cries?
No school will take him
Because he can't write,
No wonder he always
Loses in a fight.
But one day, it seemed
He'd had all he could take.
He stood up, scared his neighbour
and got slashed with a rake.
The surgeon, the best
looked at him in dismay
"I've got a job here,
now hand me that tray"
Four hours of waiting,
and then he gave in
the boy was a freak
so it went in the bin.
But he wasn't dead...
he shall return...
Jess says:
Mark had a cat and this stray cat kept coming to his house and they named her molly, and then one day molly exploded and 5 smaller cats came out of her and they named them max and kimberly then the other 3 looked exactly the same so they didnt bother to name them
Daffodils are the purest of EVIL. They lure you into their trap with cute shapes and colours and even their, silent, aroma creeping over your senses, while you are unarmed...(SHIVER). Well ENOUGH is ENOUGH! No longer will we have to suffer under the torment of these beasts while our future children's lives are at stake! We have to act NOW, not tomorow, not yesterday, NOW. If you see a daffodil, you are obliged by LAW to cut it down and kill it! you can go to PRISON for refusing to do this. Disposing of daffodil corpses is a carefully monitored event, you MUST dispose of them in the nearest nuclear reactor, or feel the consequences as it's virulent POISON seeps into your bloodstream and kills you slowly, as you fall into a deep sleep from which you shall never awake... Smoking daffodils is allowed however but it does cause halucina.. haluce... crazy things. This is not a drrrllll...........rfv ;a'vrvvg9w]0uu
Sometimes I think Im the only sensible one here
people throwing schoolbags and people drinking beer.
People smoking cigarettes and people smokng worse
this is the end of my first verse.
Im surrounded by idiots who think they've found "true love"
five minuits later and they're gone with a shove.
People with more "loves" than I can count
people with ficklness that can't possibly amount.
I'm surrounded by people who think they're "all that"
all doofy and dressed up in a baseball hat.
Saying things like "your ma" and sentences end in "like"
These people would kill you, and then steal your bike.
The rest, my friends, are sort of wierd
an EMO a demon and a freak with a beard
only some of us are "normal" at least I think we are
out of a school of hundreds 5 outta loads isn't bad
Once upon a time far far away in Belfast, there was a merry little leprachaun. But on Saint paddy's day '06, he was a little too merry and got a little tipsy. But tipsiness in a leprachaun is amongst the DEADLIEST of sins so he was smited by the lepragod and forced to the ground (after setting down his WKD, God likes drink too.) after a while he got up again, and walked of merrily. THE END