Daffodils are the purest of EVIL. They lure you into their trap with cute shapes and colours and even their, silent, aroma creeping over your senses, while you are unarmed...(SHIVER). Well ENOUGH is ENOUGH! No longer will we have to suffer under the torment of these beasts while our future children's lives are at stake! We have to act NOW, not tomorow, not yesterday, NOW. If you see a daffodil, you are obliged by LAW to cut it down and kill it! you can go to PRISON for refusing to do this. Disposing of daffodil corpses is a carefully monitored event, you MUST dispose of them in the nearest nuclear reactor, or feel the consequences as it's virulent POISON seeps into your bloodstream and kills you slowly, as you fall into a deep sleep from which you shall never awake... Smoking daffodils is allowed however but it does cause halucina.. haluce... crazy things. This is not a drrrllll...........rfv ;a'vrvvg9w]0uu
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