Surrounded by idiots
Sometimes I think Im the only sensible one here
people throwing schoolbags and people drinking beer.
People smoking cigarettes and people smokng worse
this is the end of my first verse.
Im surrounded by idiots who think they've found "true love"
five minuits later and they're gone with a shove.
People with more "loves" than I can count
people with ficklness that can't possibly amount.
I'm surrounded by people who think they're "all that"
all doofy and dressed up in a baseball hat.
Saying things like "your ma" and sentences end in "like"
These people would kill you, and then steal your bike.
The rest, my friends, are sort of wierd
an EMO a demon and a freak with a beard
only some of us are "normal" at least I think we are
out of a school of hundreds 5 outta loads isn't bad
wow, just like I feel all the time in lagan..
???Luke, you are sad :p
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