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The boy with no face

When kids first see him
Just standing there
The first thing they'll notice
Is that his face is all bare.
No nose I can tell of
no mouth or eyes.
He looks so sad,
I wonder how he cries?
No school will take him
Because he can't write,
No wonder he always
Loses in a fight.
But one day, it seemed
He'd had all he could take.
He stood up, scared his neighbour
and got slashed with a rake.
The surgeon, the best
looked at him in dismay
"I've got a job here,
now hand me that tray"
Four hours of waiting,
and then he gave in
the boy was a freak
so it went in the bin.

But he wasn't dead...
he shall return...


Anonymous said...

I pissed myself in the hilarity of this poem. seriously. lol.

Andernoo said...

Don't use the Tesco value ones, they leak. I mean, I guessed they leak...