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Life ambitions/To Do list:

Hey guys :D
I'm back from my long exile from Blogger
well i say back, i mean, dropping by.
School beckons, Halowe'en was brillig but this is all i'l be able to get done before i get too busy again :(
so anywho, I've decided to right up a list of things i really really want to do with my life :D
I'm sure you'l learn something abou tme, even if it is a bad thang :P

  • Drop a rock of a very very tall place and watch it tumble, beautifully.
  • Give someone a non-christian Epiphany (That would feel awesome, there should be a movie about it :D)
  • Have a picnic someware picnics shouldn't be
  • Create a new food that doesn't get frowned upon
  • Persuade someone to tell me something they really shouldnt have, just by being myself
  • Make a movie
  • Write a song
  • Convert a lesbian :L
  • Draw some sellable art
  • Hug the same randomer twice in the same day
  • Write a Game
  • TP someone
  • Make a robot!*
  • Get a chance to survive make my time
  • Learn to play Chess
  • Punch the guys that play Subbuteo too seriously
  • Be fancied by a gay?
  • Go to Sparta
  • Worry about ray
  • Be the guy Willis was talkin' 'bout
  • Surprise!
Will update :D
Promise :D

*One that works even when i drop it, unlike the last ones

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