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Goood morning world!
The majority of my school work is over, well the bit's i care about anyway, so i decided to start writing back to my blog and after a bit of a tidy-up and some layout changes, here it is the new Anoo Thought Cast!

So anyway, I got into a game while i was away, you guys may or may not know of it.
It's called Garry's Mod, not really a game but we love it none the less.
I've been converted to a fully fledged Gmodder and i'm not ever leaving the way of the the scrap-engineer.

A few tips for anyone who happens to stumble upon my blog whilst googling etc.

  • The Axis tool has a hidden right click feature that allows you to turn stuff about a point instead of axising it.
  • The different thruster models have different power levels
  • The Colour tool effects only work if you've used the material texture on the object too
That's just a few tips they may or may not help you at all but i'm not really bothered :D
Steam: Andernoo
Add me if you ever wanna game of CS:S or G-Mod ;)

Also, just got a link from my dear Twin Klar.
Check out her blog, its

And on a deep note:
"...write about how much being alive is fun because you have friends who are so important to you, and friends make your life go, because without your friends life really isnt worth much"

And Happy Birthday to Sam and Luke and Hannah who's birthdays have been in the past week mostly :D

Annnd it's been 12 weeks with my dear Strutsies :D
Well 12 weeks on monday
I don't know how she's put up with me to be honest <3


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Impressora e Multifuncional, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Anonymous said...

how do u think iv put up with u i freakin lurve you man!!!!

Anonymous said...

Huzzah! birthdays!
Huzzah! gmod! Css!
Huzzah! Huzzah!
I can't remember whether or not haiku is just 17 syllables or "2 words, 3 words, 2 words"
fuck, I don't think its either..

Anonymous said...

of course she loves you shilly
leaves more blogs :P